Friday, November 21, 2008


So Jack is now in his "Why" stage. Here we go. I've heard from lots of other moms that every kid eventually goes through a stage where they ask why a lot. Never did I imagine that it would happen this much. Honestly, I didn't really think Jack would start asking why a lot. He's the absolute smartest 3 year old I've ever met, and the crazy thing is is that he already knows he answers to the quetions he's asking me. This is why it drives me crazy. If he doesn't know the answer to something I am always more than happy to explain it to him. But when it's things he already knows, it kinda just gets irritating. The last 20 minutes have gone something like this: Jack: Why are we eating dinner?
Me: Because it's dinner time.

Jack: Why do we need to eat dinner?
Me: So we can grow big and strong.

Jack: Oh, like Tarzan? (got my hopes up the why's had ended)
Why do we need to grow big and strong?
Why do I need to sit in my chair?
Why are we eating fish?
Why aren't you eating fish?
This has been going on all day. I love Jack to death, but WHY does he have to ask Why?!
His other favorite thing to say right now, is no matter what you tell him to do his response is "why, because I'm being naughty?" "Why, because I'm being loud?" "Why, because someone is sleeping?". Oh my goodness he is a crazy little boy.

And while I'm talking about Jack, here's a funny picture and story of him. There's a cashier at the grocery store we would go to in Idaho who wears an eye patch. So when Jack saw him for the first time he excitedly exclaims "Oh! You're a pirate! Where's your sword? You're in my Halloween book!" So embarrassing, but one of my favorite stories of Jack. So today he decided to break out one of the lenses on my sunglasses so that he could pretend to be a pirate.

Hey everyone! I decided to start a new blog for me and my little guys so I can keep everyone updated with all the crazy stuff going on in our life!
Last week me and some of my girlfriends from high school all took our little boys to the petting zoo at Thanksgiving Point. We all had so much fun!

Also last week Jake and I took Jack to Disney on Ice. We went with Jake's mom, Shannon and Troy, and her adorable twin boys Blake and Camden. All the kids were so excited to see Mickey and all the other Disney characters.

Well that's all I have for now, but I will be updating on here regularly, or trying to anyways.